Service Record Abbreviations

From Battle of Jutland Crew Lists Project
Service Record Abbreviations

Service Record Abbreviations
in Service


PO (NS) A1 In 1907 the rating structure for the RN Seaman and Communications branches were revised.
The classes of Petty Officer (PO 1st Class / PO 2nd Class) were abolished and pay rates amended accordingly.
However, as these changes were not applied retrospectively Petty Officer 1st Class,
Petty Officer 2nd Class and Petty Officer (NS) served at the same time.
NS = New System.
LdgSea A2 Leading Seaman
CPO B01 Chief Petty Officer
B02 Gunner's Mate and Gunlayer 1st class
B03 Gunner's Mate
GL1 B04 Gunlayer 1st Class
GL2 B05 Gunlayer 2nd Class
GL3 B06 Gunlayer 3rd Class
B07 Chief Petty Officer (G) and Petty Officer (G) and Seaman Gunner
B08 Torpedo Gunner's Mate
B09 Torpedo Gunner's Mate (Higher Standard)
B10 Torpedo Coxswain
B11 Leading Torpedo Man
B12 Chief Petty Officer (T) and Petty Officer (T) and Seaman Torpedo Man
B13 Chief Yeoman of Signals
B14 Yeoman of Signals
B15 Leading Signalman
B16 Signalman
B17 Ordinary Signalman and Boy
B18 Wireless Telegraphy Branch
B19 Physical Training Instructor 1st Class
B20 Physical Training Instructor 2nd Class
B21 Mechanician
B22 Chief Stoker
B23 Stoker Petty Officer
B24 Leading Stoker passed for Stoker Petty Officer
B25 Stoker
B26 Chief or other Armourer
B27 Armourer's Mate or Crew
B28 Blacksmith, Plumber, Painter 1st class, and all Chief and other Carpenter's Mate, or Skilled Shipwright of what ever rating
B29 All other Artizans
B30 Naval Police
B31 Schoolmaster, Ship's Stewards, Writers
B31 All Cook ratings
B32 Sick Berth Staff
B33 Bugler
B34 Good Shooting Badge, 1st class Marksman.
B35 Good Shooting Badge, 2nd class Marksman.
B36 Good Shooting Badge, 3rd class Marksman.
SG Seaman Gunner
Sub rating for members of the Seaman’s Branch
Able Seaman and above
SBS Sick Berth Steward
LTO Leading Torpedo Operator
Sub rating for members of the Seaman’s Branch
Able Seaman and above
ST Seaman Torpedoman
Sub rating for members of the Seaman’s Branch
Able Seaman and above
DD Discharged Dead
Run Deserted
B1C Boy 1st Class
B2C Boy 2nd Class
Ord Ordinary Seaman
AB Able Seaman
VG Character Very Good
III Wtr 3rd Writer. Equivalent to an Ordinary/Able Seaman in the Seaman Branch
SSA Ship's Stores Assistant.