Orion Navy List

From Battle of Jutland Crew Lists Project
Orion Navy List

Ship Selector

Saturday, 2 March 2024, 14:58
last updated with 67 names

The NAVY LIST is compiled and published by order of the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty for the convenience of the Service; but, as errors may occasionally occur, their Lordships must expressly reserve their right to determine the status of any Officer according to the actual circumstances of the case, independently of any Entry in the Navy List.

By command of their Lordships."

Colour Key
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
Appears in the
appropriate Navy List
Borne/Lent/Accomodated in
ship indicated
Not on
Navy List not yet checked Confirmed at
Possibly at Jutland Ship not included
in Navy List
Ship missing in
this Navy List

Navy List 'corrected to dates'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jutland
18/12/1913 18/6/1914 18/12/1914 18/3/1915 18/6/1915 18/9/1915 18/12/1915 18/3/1916 31/5/1916
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
18/6/1916 18/9/1916 18/3/1917 18/6/1917 18/9/1917 18/3/1918 18/6/1918

Name Joined Left 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Alton, Francis Cooke Aug 1914
Anderson, Thomas Crawford 10/11/1914
Backhouse, Oliver 14/10/1915
Ballance, Alaric Charles 10/05/1916
Bell, William 28/01/1914
Bicknell, Herbert Charles Apr 1916
Black, Arthur Ronald Mawson 01/07/1915
Bowie, Robert Forbes 18/11/1914
Boyd, Norman Robert 12/10/1915
Bradford, George Nicholson 27/01/1914
Brain, Trevelyan Thomas George 04/02/1914
Brass, John Ernest Padwick 05/02/1916
Brookfield, Edward Williams Hamilton 03/01/1914
Bulteel, Tom Oliver 05/02/1916
Cardew, Frederick Richard 02/01/1912
Collin, Wilson Henry 18/11/1915
Colomb, Philip Howard Francis 01/07/1915
Crosse, Robert Derek Stawell 01/07/1915
Cummins, Arthur D C 16/02/1914
Cusworth, George Ernest 14/12/1914
Cutcliffe, Edwin George 29/12/1915
Daniel, Charles Saumarez 15/01/1912
Dathan, William Alfred 09/08/1913
Donaldson, Thomas Eric Kirwan 25/10/1914
Evans, Alfred Englefield 17/01/1915
Felton, Evelyn Seccombe 29/03/1916
Flower, Geoffrey Chambers 05/05/1914
Forbes, Duncan Fairfax 17/01/1915
Francis, Albert Edward 27/02/1912
Garside, Frederick Rodney 13/09/1914
Grattan, Arthur Phayre 01/06/1914
Gray, Robert Cochran 01/01/1916
Griffin, William Harold 11/03/1913
Hamer, Frederick Alexander 04/02/1914
Hancock, Isaac 04/02/1914
Harrison, Gerard Y 16/09/1914
Hawkings, Claude Ernest Vincent 15/01/1913
Hook, Hereward 23/10/1914
Horne, Richard 28/01/1913
Humphreys, Arthur Frederick 01/11/1915
Hyatt, Joseph William 19/10/1912
Jones, William John George 04/02/1914
Kidston, George Pearson Glen 25/10/1914
Lamb, Alfred Edward 12/11/1915
Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh 17/01/1915
Matthews, George Edwin 04/02/1914
Mitford, John Bertram 05/02/1916
Murphy, James Peter 27/10/1915
Patterson, Julian Francis Chichester 03/01/1914
Petley, William Edward 02/01/1912
Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward 25/10/1914
Re-commissioned at Devonport 04/02/1914
Reep, Alfred 16/11/1913
Reffell, Raymond 12/09/1913
Rideal, Leonard Chichester 04/03/1915
Rivett-Carnac, James William 04/02/1914
Sampson, Thomas 26/05/1916
Sharer, Edmund Martell 01/02/1916
Snow, John Dillon 13/11/1915
Stopford, Guy 01/07/1914
Thursfield, Raymond Spencer 17/01/1915
Vennard, Samuel Henry 08/10/1915
Walker, Richard 12/07/1915
White, James 15/10/1915
Williams, Alfred George 29/12/1915
Williams, Geoffrey Anthony Cory 01/07/1915
Wotton, John Valentine 03/01/1914