Nottingham Navy List

From Battle of Jutland Crew Lists Project
Nottingham Navy List

Ship Selector

Monday, 18 March 2024, 14:54
last updated with 40 names

The NAVY LIST is compiled and published by order of the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty for the convenience of the Service; but, as errors may occasionally occur, their Lordships must expressly reserve their right to determine the status of any Officer according to the actual circumstances of the case, independently of any Entry in the Navy List.

By command of their Lordships."

Colour Key
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
Appears in the
appropriate Navy List
Borne/Lent/Accomodated in
ship indicated
Not on
Navy List not yet checked Confirmed at
Possibly at Jutland Ship not included
in Navy List
Ship missing in
this Navy List

Navy List 'corrected to dates'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jutland
18/12/1913 18/6/1914 18/12/1914 18/3/1915 18/6/1915 18/9/1915 18/12/1915 18/3/1916 31/5/1916
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
18/6/1916 18/9/1916 18/3/1917 18/6/1917 18/9/1917 18/3/1918 18/6/1918

Name Joined Left 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Completing at Pembroke Dock
Commissioned at Pembroke Dock 03/04/1914
Ordered to relieve HMS Astraea
on the Cape of Good Hope
Station in August 1914
Attwater, Hubert 25/08/1913
Bracegirdle, Henry Dutton 15/06/1915
Brooks, Arthur William 28/10/1913
Brown, Charles Alfred Morley 18/04/1913
Burton, Edward T 03/04/1914
Cusack, Ernest Walter Herbert 12/08/1913
Cuthbertson, Stewart John 21/03/1916
Easterbrook, John William Damerell Werrey 03/04/1914 7Nov1914
Gardner, Henry R. 25/08/1915
Gush, Alick William 01/06/1916 19Aug1916
Henderson, Patrick William Stirling 13/12/1913
Holmes, Thomas Benjamin 07/01/1914
Kimber, John L. 16/01/1913
Lauderdale, Edward Maitland 09/03/1916
Lemon, Sydney Penney 03/04/1914
Lindsay, John Colin Howard 01/12/1913
Lindsell, Arthur Salusbury 22/10/1914
Martin, Arthur E.J. Mar 1914
McKirdy, Lockhart Dobbie 11/03/1916
Miller, Charles Blois 09/07/1913
Mitchell, Frederick William 09/05/1916
Moore, Gerald 21/04/1914
Murdoch, Hugh Campbell 19/07/1915
Nightingale, Eric Julius 27/03/1914 Borne
Orr-Ewing, John Angus 06/05/1914
Phillips, Reginald Charles Patrick 30/03/1914
Pinhey, John Winthorp 22/10/1915
Smith, Douglas H. 02/02/1916
Smith, Frederick William Gordon 09/05/1913 1Feb1916
Stone, Reginald Guy 26/05/1915
Taylor, Archibald 27/03/1914
Teesdale-Buckell, Clarence 01/04/1916
Tennant, William George 27/02/1916 19/08/1916
Twidle, Arthur E. 21/06/1916
Watson, Walter G. Oct 1914
Wiltshire, Robert George Aland 09/04/1914
Woodruff, Eric Winthrop 03/04/1914