
From Battle of Jutland Crew Lists Project
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23 April 1956 11 Navy News
Narrative Image Comments
THE DOVER Branch of the Royal
Naval Association has arranged a
"Dunkirk and Jutland Commemora-
tion Service" for Sunday, June 3. It
is intended that this shall be an
annual event worthy of the great
occasions it commemorates. Dover is,
of course, the most fitting town for a
Dunkirk celebration, for it was from
the ancient castle that overlooks the
town and the Straits, that the opera-
tion was directed and it was into this
harbour that the majority of ships
and boats returned with their passen-
gers, who received their first welcome
cups of tea and cigarettes on British
soil again, at the hands of the good
people of Dover.
The service is to be held at 11 a.m.
in the Congregational Church, con-
ducted by the Branch Padre. the Rev.
M. R. Coombs (himself an ex-C.P.O.
with thirteen years' service). The Com-
mander-in-Chief, The Nore, Vice-
Admiral Sir Frederick R. Parham,
K.C.B.. C.B.E., D.S.O., will be present
together with the Right Worshipful
The Mayor of Dover, and members
of the Corporation. Invitations are
being sent to neighbouring branches
of the R.N.A., and to representatives
of all local organisations who had a
hand in the Dunkirk evacuation.
A "March Past" will follow the
service at 12.15, when the Salute, at
the Town Hall steps. will be taken by
the Commander-in-Chief, The Nore.
Music for the "March Past" will be
provided by the Band of the Royal
Marines School of Music, Deal.
The dates of Dunkirk and Jutland
so nearly coincide that it was decided
to incorporate commemoration of the
latter in his Dunkirk Service.
Anyone who is able to get to Dover
on that day, and would wish to attend

the service and/or join in the "March
Past" is invited to get in touch with
the Branch Padre, Rev. H. R
Coombs, 2 The Paddock, Dover, or
any of the Branch's officers (addresses
in the R.N.A. Diary). Seating at the
service will be taxed to the limit, so
application in advance is necessary to
secure seat allocations.
