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Second Supplement To The London Gazette Of Friday, the 15th of September, 1916
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Distinguished Service Medal
Name Official Number Ship
Stoker Petty Officer William Norman, O.N. 133012 (R.F.R., PO./A2142). 133012 BARHAM
Chief Engine Room Artificer, Second Class, Christopher Ham Nichols, O.N. 271516. 271516 OBEDIENT
Chief Engine Room Artificer, Second Class, William Mark Oldreive, O.N. 269807. 269807 MONARCH
Stoker, R.N.R., James Orton, O.N. S.5094. S5094 CALLIOPE
Leading Telegraphist Percival James Olding, O.N. J.8127.
Second Sick Bertih Steward Harry Charles Pridmore, O.N. M1677. M1677 BROKE
Chief Petty Officer Charles Pengelly, O.N. 177274. 177274 MARLBOROUGH
Chief Petty Officer Thomas Prebble, O.N. 157368. 157368 COCHRANE
Chief Yeoman of Signals George Harry Pink, O.N. 179101 (R F.R., Po./B3091). 179101 REVENGE
Chief Engine Room Artificer, First Class, John Lewis Cornelius Payne, O.N. 268314. 268314 THUNDERER
Chief Petty Officer Charles Percy Peckham, O.N. 169822. 169822 SUPERB
Petty Officer, First Class, George James Plummer, O.N. 158186. 158186 CANADA
Able Seaman William Perrow, O.N. 234297. 234297 WARRIOR
Signal Boy John Postles, O.N. J.38265. J38265 LION
Chief Shipwright James Pascoe, O.N. 342917. 342917 TIGER
Shipwright, R.N.V.R., Harry Peel, O.N. Tyneside, 3/83. 3/83 PRINCESS ROYAL
Sick Berth Steward Charles Purchase, O.N. 355019. . 355019 CALLIOPE
Chief Armourer Henry Philhs Pike, O.N. 341628. 341628 DUBLIN
Chief Petty Officer Joseph Edwin Profitt, O.N. 159669. 159669 MORRIS
Petty Officer -Alfred Henry Potterill, O.N. 183141. 183141 BROKE
Yeoman of Signals William Henry Parker, O.N. 220008.. 220008 LION
Chief Engine Room Artificer, First Class, Frederick Rendall, O.N. 26925~6. 269256 ORION
Chief Petty Officer John Henry Reeves, O.N. 160690. 160690 THUNDERER
Chief Armourer Hartley Kirby Rounthwaite, O.N. 342127. 342127 VANGUARD
Petty Officer William Rennie, O.N. 209340. 209340 MALAYA
Serjeant Henry Ross, R.M.L.I. O.N. Po./9467. 9467 UNKNOWN SHIP
Mechanician Arthur Miles Stuart, O.N. 284435. 284435 KING GEORGE V
Chief Yeoman of Signals John Simmons, O.N. 151525. 151525 CANADA
Petty Officer Charles Edgar Siffleet, O.N. 228573. 228573 BARHAM
Petty Officer Joseph Saddler, O.N. 211444. 211444 DUKE OF EDINBURGH
Leading Signalman Thomas Shannon, O.N. 221129. 221129 WARRIOR
Petty Officer Dan Sheppard, O.N. 196176. 196176 LION
Stoker, First Class, Reginald Albert Smith, O.N. K.22739. K22739 LION
Chief Engine Room Artificer, First Class, John Searle, O.N. 268620. 268620 TIGER
Stoker Petty Officer William Robert Seaborne, O.N. K.2840. K2840 PRINCESS ROYAL
Stoker, First Class, William John Sibley, O.N. K.22879. K22879 PRINCESS ROYAL
Chief Petty Officer Robert Charles Smith, O.N. 158092. 158092 PRINCESS ROYAL
Petty Officer Mike Sliney, O.N. 191103. 191103 MOORSOM
Petty Officer George Ernest Smith, O.N. 203789. 203789 SPITFIRE
Chief Stoker Frederick Charles Smith, O.N. 281187. 281187 PORPOISE
Petty Officer Henry Swales, O.N. 238189. 238189 CASTOR
Chief Petty Officer Thomas Sargent, O.N 166132. 166132 MARVEL
Petty Officer Telegraphist Harry Francis Thomas, O.N. 231174. 231174 CENTURION
Chief Petty Officer Ernest George Temlett, O.N. 162765. 162765 ERIN
Chief Stoker Ralph Turner, O.N. 279317. 279317 BENBOW
Ordinary Signalman Alec Saville Tempest, O.N. J29133. J29133 LION
Chief Engine Room Artificer, Second Class, Stanley Shopland Tozer, O.N. 271453. 271453 NEW ZEALAND
Chief Stoker Albert Edwin Thurston, O.N. 276442. 276442 SHANNON
Able Seaman Joseph John Thompson, O.N. J.10104. J10104 TIGER
Chief Stoker Frederick Arthur Truscott, O.N. 284217. 284217 INFLEXIBLE
Shipwright, Second Class, William Samson Walters, O.N. 344927. 344927 MARLBOROUGH
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist George Joseph Ward, O.N. 189028. 189028 COLOSSUS
Serjeant Edward Wesley Weston, O.N. R.M.A.5148. R.M.A.5148 MONARCH
Chief Petty Officer Thomas Edward Ward, O.N. 183781. 183781 CONQUERER
Engine Room Artificer, Third Class, Edward Williams, O.N. M.5149. M5149 BELLEROPHON
Boy, First Class, John Ernest William Worn, O.N. J.41882. J41882 MALAYA
Shipwright, Second Class, Henry Edward Webley, O.N. M.8960. M8960 BARHAM
Telegraphist David Wyllie, O.N. J.46874. J46874 VALIANT
Acting Chief Petty Officer John Webster, O.N. 181723. 181723 VALIANT
Petty Officer Horace Edward Winchester, O.N. 201037. 201037 MINOTAUR
Stoker, First Class, Thomas Arthur Woolley, O.N. SS.115633. SS115653 LION
Yeoman of Signals Joseph Victor Wagstaff, O.N. 194702. 194702 PRINCESS ROYAL
Lance-Serjeant Alfred Henry Waterloo, R.M.L.I., O.N. Po./10602. PO./10602 PRINCESS ROYAL
Leading Cook's Mate Harry George Walters, O.N. M.586. M586 CASTOR
Petty Officer John Westlake, O.N. 218922. 218922 MARNE
The undermentioned rating has been awarded a Bar to
his Distinguished Service Medal for an act
of gallantry performed subsequent to that for which the Medal was awarded
(The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was notified in Gazette dated 3rd March, 1915, page 2214.)
Name Official Number Ship
Chief Writer Samuel George White, O.N. 340597. 340597 TIGER
The following Petty Officers and men are commended for good services in action on the occasion above referred to: —
Name Official Number Ship
Stoker Petty Officer Herbert Allen, O.N. 309891. 309891 CHESTER
Petty Officer Telegraphist David Allen, O.N. 238656. 238656 WARRIOR
Chief Stoker Frederick Aldred, O.N. 296182. 296182 SOUTHAMPTON
Sick Berth Steward Charles Robert Allwright, O.N. 351201. 351201 CHESTER
Chief Petty Officer William Alfred Attwood, O.N. 170923. 170923 ONSLOW
Petty Officer Telegraphist. Edward Ashdown, O.N. 218097. 218097 FAULKNOR
Sergeant Archer William Balcombe, R.M.L.I., O.N. Ch./E/15620 (killed m action May 31st, 1916). Ch./E/15620 CALLIOPE
Corporal William Broadbridge, O.N. R.M.A. 7401. R.M.A.7401 IRON DUKE
Chief Stoker Absalom Lewis Bond, O.N 288599. 288599 MARLBOROUGH