Second Supplement To The London Gazette Of Friday, the 15th of September, 1916 | |||||||||
MENU | Page 9085 | Page 9086 | Page 9087 | Page 9088 | Page 9089 | Page 9090 | Page 9091 | Page 9092 | - |
Distinguished Service Medal | ||
Name | Official Number | Ship |
Stoker Petty Officer William Norman, O.N. 133012 (R.F.R., PO./A2142). | 133012 | BARHAM |
Chief Engine Room Artificer, Second Class, Christopher Ham Nichols, O.N. 271516. | 271516 | OBEDIENT |
Chief Engine Room Artificer, Second Class, William Mark Oldreive, O.N. 269807. | 269807 | MONARCH |
Stoker, R.N.R., James Orton, O.N. S.5094. | S5094 | CALLIOPE |
Leading Telegraphist Percival James Olding, O.N. J.8127. | J8127 | OSSORY |
Second Sick Bertih Steward Harry Charles Pridmore, O.N. M1677. | M1677 | BROKE |
Chief Petty Officer Charles Pengelly, O.N. 177274. | 177274 | MARLBOROUGH |
Chief Petty Officer Thomas Prebble, O.N. 157368. | 157368 | COCHRANE |
Chief Yeoman of Signals George Harry Pink, O.N. 179101 (R F.R., Po./B3091). | 179101 | REVENGE |
Chief Engine Room Artificer, First Class, John Lewis Cornelius Payne, O.N. 268314. | 268314 | THUNDERER |
Chief Petty Officer Charles Percy Peckham, O.N. 169822. | 169822 | SUPERB |
Petty Officer, First Class, George James Plummer, O.N. 158186. | 158186 | CANADA |
Able Seaman William Perrow, O.N. 234297. | 234297 | WARRIOR |
Signal Boy John Postles, O.N. J.38265. | J38265 | LION |
Chief Shipwright James Pascoe, O.N. 342917. | 342917 | TIGER |
Shipwright, R.N.V.R., Harry Peel, O.N. Tyneside, 3/83. | 3/83 | PRINCESS ROYAL |
Sick Berth Steward Charles Purchase, O.N. 355019. . | 355019 | CALLIOPE |
Chief Armourer Henry Philhs Pike, O.N. 341628. | 341628 | DUBLIN |
Chief Petty Officer Joseph Edwin Profitt, O.N. 159669. | 159669 | MORRIS |
Petty Officer -Alfred Henry Potterill, O.N. 183141. | 183141 | BROKE |
Yeoman of Signals William Henry Parker, O.N. 220008.. | 220008 | LION |
Chief Engine Room Artificer, First Class, Frederick Rendall, O.N. 26925~6. | 269256 | ORION |
Chief Petty Officer John Henry Reeves, O.N. 160690. | 160690 | THUNDERER |
Chief Armourer Hartley Kirby Rounthwaite, O.N. 342127. | 342127 | VANGUARD |
Petty Officer William Rennie, O.N. 209340. | 209340 | MALAYA |
Serjeant Henry Ross, R.M.L.I. O.N. Po./9467. | 9467 | UNKNOWN SHIP |
Mechanician Arthur Miles Stuart, O.N. 284435. | 284435 | KING GEORGE V |
Chief Yeoman of Signals John Simmons, O.N. 151525. | 151525 | CANADA |
Petty Officer Charles Edgar Siffleet, O.N. 228573. | 228573 | BARHAM |
Petty Officer Joseph Saddler, O.N. 211444. | 211444 | DUKE OF EDINBURGH |
Leading Signalman Thomas Shannon, O.N. 221129. | 221129 | WARRIOR |
Petty Officer Dan Sheppard, O.N. 196176. | 196176 | LION |
Stoker, First Class, Reginald Albert Smith, O.N. K.22739. | K22739 | LION |
Chief Engine Room Artificer, First Class, John Searle, O.N. 268620. | 268620 | TIGER |
Stoker Petty Officer William Robert Seaborne, O.N. K.2840. | K2840 | PRINCESS ROYAL |
Stoker, First Class, William John Sibley, O.N. K.22879. | K22879 | PRINCESS ROYAL |
Chief Petty Officer Robert Charles Smith, O.N. 158092. | 158092 | PRINCESS ROYAL |
Petty Officer Mike Sliney, O.N. 191103. | 191103 | MOORSOM |
Petty Officer George Ernest Smith, O.N. 203789. | 203789 | SPITFIRE |
Chief Stoker Frederick Charles Smith, O.N. 281187. | 281187 | PORPOISE |
Petty Officer Henry Swales, O.N. 238189. | 238189 | CASTOR |
Chief Petty Officer Thomas Sargent, O.N 166132. | 166132 | MARVEL |
Petty Officer Telegraphist Harry Francis Thomas, O.N. 231174. | 231174 | CENTURION |
Chief Petty Officer Ernest George Temlett, O.N. 162765. | 162765 | ERIN |
Chief Stoker Ralph Turner, O.N. 279317. | 279317 | BENBOW |
Ordinary Signalman Alec Saville Tempest, O.N. J29133. | J29133 | LION |
Chief Engine Room Artificer, Second Class, Stanley Shopland Tozer, O.N. 271453. | 271453 | NEW ZEALAND |
Chief Stoker Albert Edwin Thurston, O.N. 276442. | 276442 | SHANNON |
Able Seaman Joseph John Thompson, O.N. J.10104. | J10104 | TIGER |
Chief Stoker Frederick Arthur Truscott, O.N. 284217. | 284217 | INFLEXIBLE |
Shipwright, Second Class, William Samson Walters, O.N. 344927. | 344927 | MARLBOROUGH |
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist George Joseph Ward, O.N. 189028. | 189028 | COLOSSUS |
Serjeant Edward Wesley Weston, O.N. R.M.A.5148. | R.M.A.5148 | MONARCH |
Chief Petty Officer Thomas Edward Ward, O.N. 183781. | 183781 | CONQUERER |
Engine Room Artificer, Third Class, Edward Williams, O.N. M.5149. | M5149 | BELLEROPHON |
Boy, First Class, John Ernest William Worn, O.N. J.41882. | J41882 | MALAYA |
Shipwright, Second Class, Henry Edward Webley, O.N. M.8960. | M8960 | BARHAM |
Telegraphist David Wyllie, O.N. J.46874. | J46874 | VALIANT |
Acting Chief Petty Officer John Webster, O.N. 181723. | 181723 | VALIANT |
Petty Officer Horace Edward Winchester, O.N. 201037. | 201037 | MINOTAUR |
Stoker, First Class, Thomas Arthur Woolley, O.N. SS.115633. | SS115653 | LION |
Yeoman of Signals Joseph Victor Wagstaff, O.N. 194702. | 194702 | PRINCESS ROYAL |
Lance-Serjeant Alfred Henry Waterloo, R.M.L.I., O.N. Po./10602. | PO./10602 | PRINCESS ROYAL |
Leading Cook's Mate Harry George Walters, O.N. M.586. | M586 | CASTOR |
Petty Officer John Westlake, O.N. 218922. | 218922 | MARNE |
The undermentioned rating has been awarded a Bar to his Distinguished Service Medal for an act of gallantry performed subsequent to that for which the Medal was awarded (The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was notified in Gazette dated 3rd March, 1915, page 2214.) | ||
Name | Official Number | Ship |
Chief Writer Samuel George White, O.N. 340597. | 340597 | TIGER |
The following Petty Officers and men are commended for good services in action on the occasion above referred to: — | ||
Name | Official Number | Ship |
Stoker Petty Officer Herbert Allen, O.N. 309891. | 309891 | CHESTER |
Petty Officer Telegraphist David Allen, O.N. 238656. | 238656 | WARRIOR |
Chief Stoker Frederick Aldred, O.N. 296182. | 296182 | SOUTHAMPTON |
Sick Berth Steward Charles Robert Allwright, O.N. 351201. | 351201 | CHESTER |
Chief Petty Officer William Alfred Attwood, O.N. 170923. | 170923 | ONSLOW |
Petty Officer Telegraphist. Edward Ashdown, O.N. 218097. | 218097 | FAULKNOR |
Sergeant Archer William Balcombe, R.M.L.I., O.N. Ch./E/15620 (killed m action May 31st, 1916). | Ch./E/15620 | CALLIOPE |
Corporal William Broadbridge, O.N. R.M.A. 7401. | R.M.A.7401 | IRON DUKE |
Chief Stoker Absalom Lewis Bond, O.N 288599. | 288599 | MARLBOROUGH |