
From Battle of Jutland Crew Lists Project
Supplement To The London Gazette Of Friday, the 15th of September, 1916
MENU Page 9063 Page 9064 Page 9065 Page 9066 Page 9067 Page 9068 Page 9069 Page 9070 Page 9071
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Name Text Ship
- to take action for the safety of the ship, by which delay he was imprisoned under the grating for over two hours, and very narrowly escaped losing his life by drowning, scalding and suffocation. Was almost overcome when rescued. He afterwards took part with energy and coolness in the work of salving the ship. This officer, under the able supervision of Engineer Commander Kitching, has run the engine-room department extremely well, and greatly increased 'Warrior's' steaming efficiency." -

Engineer Commanders

Name Text Ship
William Toop Rendered most valuable services after the ship was struck by a torpedo, and his excellent work in keeping the .water under in the flooded compartments was largely instrumental in the saving of the ship. He is a most capable engineer officer MARLBOROUGH
Herbert Brooks Moorshead His zeal and ability and care of the main and auxiliary engines and boilers throughout the war, and coolness in action, contributed largely to the efficient working of the engine room department in the action on 31st May. IRON DUKE
John Downie Wilson For the great efficiency of the engine-room department and the example he set to his officers and men during a period of considerable stress, steaming at between 18 and 20 knots for four consecutive days MINOTAUR
Charles Frederick Dunn. Senior Engineer Commander in the 5th Battle Squadron.
The Captain of "Warspite-" reports:—" I consider that this officer is worthy of reward, as the efficiency of his department has proved to be excellent, and no further remarks are necessary beyond the fact that I was able to obtain full speed whenever I deemed it safe, considering the damage the ship had sustained from shell fire."
John Benjamin Hewitt Recommended for service in action. BIRMINGHAM

Engineer Lieutenant-Commanders.

Name Text Ship
Bertram Harvey. The Senior Engineer Lieutenant-Commander in the 2nd Battle Squadron. Very highly recommended by his Captain. -
Harold Benjamin Main. Was appointed to " Canada " whilst completing, and has carried out the duties of Senior Engineer since the ship joined the Squadron in a most satisfactory manner. The Engineer Captain speaks very highly of him. -
Harold Edwin Brook. For services as Senior Engineer of " Valiant," and largely responsible for the high speed maintained. -
Albert Knothe The Captain of "Indomitable" reports that it is principally due to this officer that the ship steamed during the action faster than ever before. A most efficient officer, strongly recommended for promotion. Was mentioned in Vice-Admiral Beatty's despatch after the action of 24th January, 1915 INDOMITABLE
Arthur Ellis Lester, D.S.O. Recommended for good service in action -

Engineer Lieutenants.

Name Text Ship
William David Smith Senior Engineer of " Calliope." Responsible, under the Engineer Commander, for the excellent steaming of the ship and behaviour of the engine-room department during the action. -

Temporary Engineer Sub-Lieutenants.

Name Text Ship
Harry Hunter. Was in charge of " A " boiler-room, and kept steam regulated under very trying conditions, with the boiler-room full of smoke and fumes. He afterwards went to the hydraulic engine-rooms and endeavoured to cope with the damage to S.F. Hydraulic E.R., and afterwards made temporary repairs to the port telemotor pipes. -
Mackenzie Dallas. By promptness and at great danger personally assisted in directing and heading the hoses and arresting the spread of igniting cordite -


Name Text Ship
Major Arthur George Troup, R.M.A. Recommended for service in action -
Captain Robert Edgar Kilvert, R.M.A. Was in command of "X" turret during the action, and as commanding officer of the Marine detachment, is recommended as having specially contributed to the general efficiency of the ship. -
Captain Richmond Campbell Shakespear Waller, R.M.L.I. Vice-Admiral Sir Doveton Sturdee reports: " This officer has served continuously in the Home and Grand Fleet from April, 1913, and has been in charge of the wireless organisation of a Battle Squadron since the commencement of hostilities. This squadron was composed of new ships of various types which had been hurriedly completed and the work entailed in bringing the wireless installations of ships designed for foreign powers into effective working order was carried out entirely satisfactorily. Is unceasing in his endeavours to improve the wireless of the squadron, and has been of valuable assistance since I have been in command; an excellent Marine Officer." -
Lieutenant Harold Marsland Franks, R.M.A. Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty reports: " W/T Officer on my Staff. Showed great skill and resource in maintaining the vitally important wireless communications throughout the action, despite the fact that aerials were shot away and required constant repair. An officer of high technical skill." -
Lieutenant Henry Loftus Mitchell McCausland, R.M.L.I The senior marine subaltern in the squadron. Very highly recommended by his captain -