Jutland Medallion
Victoria Cross -- Conspicuous Gallantry Medal -- Croix de Guerre -- Distinguished Service Medal -- Mentioned in Despatches
Commendation -- St. George's Cross 4th Class -- St. George's Medal 4th Class -- Medaille Militaire
Jutland Medallion -- Chester Medallion
Pall Mall Gazette - Tuesday 01 August 1916
A medal to commemorate the recent navy battle off Jutland
Bank has been designed by Admiral Prince Louis of Battenburg, and
is shown in the accompanying illustration.
The medal will be the first of a series connected with naval
events in the present war which Prince Louis intends to bring out at
short intervals, and the entire profits of the sale of the medals will
go to naval orphangages.
There are two sizes in which the medals are being struck, one
having a diameter of 1 3/4 in, in white metal at 1s., in bronze at 5s.,
in solid silver at 15s., and in 18-carat gold at £11 10s. The smaller
size is seven-eighths of an inch in diameter, and this is made with
loop and ring, in solid silver, for wearing on bracelet or watch-
chain, at 3s 6d., and in 18-carat gold at 35s.
The new medals may be obtained at the above-names prices,
post free, either from Prince Louis or from Messrs. Spink and Sons
(Limited), 15, Piccadilly, W.
Daily News (London) - Tuesday 01 August 1916
Admiral Prince Louis of Battenberg - who at the outbreak of the war was
First Sea Lord of the Admiralty - has had this medal struck to commemorate the
battle of Jutland. Very few, if any, commemorative medals have hitherto
been struck in this country during the present war, but they have been all the
rage in GErmany, whose most notorious production was an elaborately designed
medal in memory of the sinking of the Lusitania. The entire profits on the sale
of the medals are intended to benefit naval orphanages. Prince Louis' agents in
the matter are Messrs. Spink and Sons, 17 and 18 Piccadilly, who will send the
medal post free at the following prices: Diameter 1 3/4 in., silver, 15s : bronze 5s. :
white metal, 1s. ; diameter 7/8 in fitted with a loop and ring, silver, 3s. 6d.
Broad Arrow - Wednesday 09 August 1916
ADMIRAL Prince Louis of Battenbert has had a medal struck
to commemorate the Battle of Jutland. The obverse shows
the Union Jack and the White Ensign, the staffs crossed in front
of a trident and tied to it by a riband, from which depends a small
shield inscribed : "31st May 1916." The legend around is : "to
the glorious memory of those who fell that day." On the reverse
are the following particulars: "31st May 1916, the German Fleet
attacked off the coast of Jutland and driven back into port with
heavy loss. Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, Commander-in_Chief: Vice-
Admiral Sir David Beatty, Commanding Battle Cruiser Fleet."
This incription is placed within a heavy wreath of oak. Copies of
the medal, in two sizes, are to be obtained from Messrs. Spink and
Sons, 17-18, Piccadilly, who are acting as agents for Prince Louis.
The entire profits are intended to benefit naval orphanages.
Evening Mail - Wednesday 23 August 1916
Over 10,000 of the naval medals, designed by Prince
Louis of Battenberg to commemorate the Battle of
Jutland Bank, have already been sold, and Messrs.
Spink and Son, of Piccadilly, are receiving further
orders by hundreds daily.
Most of the purchasers are relatives and friends of
the men lost in the fight. Prince Louis is looking
after the work himself, and has already signed and
sent out more than 50 letters. As already announced
in The Times, the profits from the sale of the medals
are to be distributed among the naval orphanges.
See also these articles in the Navy News
Victory Medal for Jutland?
The Jutland medal
More about those Jutland medals